I am a local person living here in Andavadoaka who studied at the University of Toliara about Biodiversity and the Environment. After completing my studies, I decided to conduct research about developing eco-tourism here in my community. I am looking forward to introducing you to the best village on the beach here in Madagascar.
Beyond introducing visitors to my community, I am also passionate about serving those who live around me. So the eco-tourism work that I do helps me to fulfill this mission. Close to my village there is a community of people called Mikea. They are indigenous nomads who live in the Forest. Currently a group of them are residing in a place called Ambolofoty and they have built a school there.
This school teaches all of the same subjects as any other but also teaches their own traditions as well including 'being Mikea’ every Friday. The majority of this course takes place in the forest to help facilitate learning. One lesson example is how the children identify and learn about medicinal plants. They wake up with the sun, the class is lively from 6am in the morning until 6pm at night. For them, learning is a pleasure.
I really want to support their continued education and the sustainability of our communities. Rest assured that when you vacation with Alefa Vezo, you are not only experiencing the vacation of your dreams, but you are leaving a lasting positive impact within your host community!
We can offer experiences in English, French and Malagasy!
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